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Things I'm Obsessed With {September}

Actually though, how is it almost October?! My brain refuses to believe it is "regular people Fall" out there somewhere.

It has been a great couple of weeks for 1 Broke Actress and pretty awesome for yours truly. Let's make it even better with some lil treats and fun (safe) times.

*You should also know I do not have any sponsors whatsoever. So this is all stuff I actually like.*



This is nothing new, you've seen it a million times. But coming off of summer trips and finding my favorite wine back on the shelves (see below!) I find charcoal useful. Here is what I do: after a night (or day...don't judge) of drinking I take 2-3 capsules. You need to drink a big glass of water to wash out all the toxins with the pills, but I really think this stuff helps. It is weirdly calming...I can't explain it.

Oh! And I use it to whiten my teeth too! You've seen expensive charcoal toothpaste and products everywhere, but for a simple and cheaper hack, pop open a pill or two into a bowl and add a few drops of water. Make a paste and brush it on your teeth with a tooth brush, yes you look like you are an insane person and it makes no sense that this black goo whitens, but I swear, rinse your mouth out after and ta-da! Cheap whiter teeth!


Apothic Inferno

Yes. How has it taken me this long to add a favorite booze to this list? I don't know either.

This cheap bottle was "discontinued" last year after a few months in which Caleb and I searched nonstop at every Sprouts, TJ's, and Whole Foods in La County. It's that good. I mean listen, if you're a wine snob maybe it's not for you. But it tastes like dark chocolate and cherries mixed with cabernet to me so...wins all around!


La Spa of TJ's

That's right folks. I buy my oils at good ol' Trader Joe's (I didn't put the name "broke" in the title for nothin'...). This stuff is priced well below most oils you see on Instagram models and I personally find it to be awesome! I use their Facial Cleansing Oil at night and then cover my face with a few drops of my self-made cocktail of jojoba, rose hip (not avail at TJ's, but here for cheap quality!) oil, argon oil, and a tiny {tiny} amount of tea tree. I also put the latter on zits.

Oh AND I use tea tree in a spray bottle mixed with water to clean my yoga mat! Tea tree oil is naturally antibacterial and can do a lot of things, including make my boyfriend tell me my face smells like Christmas and it's lovely *swoon*.


Woah woah woah, this is 2017, the internet is secure Sam, duh! Pros not. Fun story: I was working at an Emmy after-party (I saw nothing and no one, I was an office assistant, sorry that's not the fun part) and I was getting the internet passwords for the photo editors situated in the office. When it didn't work and they had to have the really awesome internet-guy who was on call for the event come fix it. While hardwiring into their computers, he told me he could have done this from home. I'm sorry, what? Oh yea, he says, I can get your computer connected from home and just so you know I would also be able to access your computer at that point.

Yes. Apparently any unsecured network connection (i.e.: any place other than your home and some hotel rooms) is easy for people to fix-yay-but also easy for anyone to enter you computer and access your sights, info, and CC numbers. I spend a lot of time stealing wifi from Starbucks locations around LA even though I rarely buy things from them (they have enough money, I don't feel bad at ALL) so I decided it was time to invest in my security. I purchased WebRoot Secure Anywhere software. It downloaded straight to my computer and was not expensive. Very easy set up and no contract or auto-renewal. I feel much more at peace with my blogging around town. Namaste secure.


Oh and just for fun, here are some randoms I think you need:

Check these out while you're at it...


© 2017 by Sam Valentine LLC

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