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Traveling As A Working Actor {Part 2}

Oh hey there person most likely in America! I'm rolling through the Balkans as we speak (it's ok, I didn't really know much about them either, here is a helpful map).

So now let't move on to the next and maybe more important topic:

What I bring with me...just in case.


- If you haven't invested in an iPhone tripod yet, now is the time. It will save your ass if a self tape rolls in. Honestly this is one of the first things I pack. (Also if your travel buddy or significant other is anything like mine, they don't "excel" at taking photos. This is good for that.)

- Bringing a iPhone microphone is also useful, mine is super small and can easily travel. Also in case of a voice over call, you are one step above the people who recorded into their speaker phone.

- The things you use or wear already to auditions. I get it, I love taking makeup vacations just as much as anyone else. But hard core camping included, bring a smattering of your audition make up and 1 audition-worthy top so that when you have to film 3 pages for NCIS, you don't look like you just climbed Yosemite (even if you just climbed Yosemite).

- My computer also goes everywhere with me. Personally I just prefer to do things on here as opposed to my phone, like iMovie and checking my email. If you're a nervous-Nelly like me, this case has lasted me years of travel and more drops than I care to discuss.

- Speaking of that, a note on email: if you are leaving town and will not have access to your email regularly (like once a day minnium) set up a vacation responder for your email address and include your agents/managers contact. The chances of this coming in to play are slim, but cover your bases and connect people trying to find you to your reps. Here is what my vacation responder usually looks like:

(to access this: go to Settings>General>scroll to the bottom!)

- As far as you on a human level, take care of yourself. Yes, try EVERY food on a trip, drink ALL wine, eat the DESSERT! But move your body, drink your water, wash your face, and try not to be on your phone much (I usually delete my social apps while on long trips, however with this blog I am not sure I will get to this trip, much my dismay!). I will get you another post up about my vaca-self care if you'd like, just let me know below or on Instagram!

Enjoy it and have adventures!

You are way more interesting in the room when you have experienced life outside of it. Keep that in mind.

Gotta go catch a flight to Budapest, let me know where you're headed, how you've dealt with actor-travel, and give ME some tips! K thanks.

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