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Things I am Obsessed With {July}

Holy shit it's hot in LA.

Most people welcome summer in the end of May or June. But in LA is creeps in and then turns up the heat circa July-September.

So let's all cool off and chill out (literally ha. ha. no? ok fine) with some things that are helping my this month.

(Did you miss previous months? Check out April and May here! June was a busy month, my bad...)


Body Love by Kelly Leveque

It's not a diet book and honestly it's not "new" information. But it is extremely smart approach to pairing food and living life not in a bubble of restriction, food rules, and fear. If you need reminding of why I love this kind of thing, check out this article on my hesitancy to follow "diets".

Some solid recipes in here, but the "Fab Four Smoothie" (I hate the name too) is the foundation of my favorite breakfast actually, so she and I are basically best friends.


A Basic Green Smoothie

This is nothing new, but it's my current obsession so it falls into the list, huzzah! Maybe you're poor and don't want to buy another book on Amazon, ok! Let me give you the basics of the smoothie Kelly recommends (above) and honestly I love this thing.

It keep me full AF and saves me a lot of time. I have been drinking it all summer and add extra ice because it's so god damn hot in my apartment.

Basically you want to get protein, fat, fiber, and greens in one. Yes, some of these ingredients have a little of all of that, but let's all be basic for a moment. Also you'll notice there is no fruit here. The idea is to start the day with less sugar, including the fructose kind.


-1 tbsp chia seeds


-2 scoops protein powder (TJ's has a new Unflavored Pea Protein I like and I add 1 scoop of collagen protein too)


-1 tbsp MCT oil (or coconut oil)

-1 tbsp nut butter


-spinach (it is the easiest mixer, fresh or frozen)


-stevia (since the protein in unflavored I need something....I still have taste buds!)

-liquid of choice: almond milk, water, etc

*I like to make it before working out and leave it in the fridge to let it thicken into a pudding consistency and eat it out of a bowl with a spoon so I don't suck it down so fast. It helps.*


Short YouTube Workout Videos

If I told you my schedule from the past few weeks of hoping from one job to the next, you would most likely think I was joking. It has been nothing short of a scheduling disaster and getting my workout in has been less than timely.

Insert 10-30min workouts at home!

I have never ever been great about working out solo, so classes have been my thing since college. But with time to/from class, showering, etc, this can easily be over 2 hours of your day. And if you missed my mention of my obsession with sleep (here in my headshot article) you will know that I almost always choose sleep. So for the nonstop work days when I just need to move m y body and engage my muscles, I turn to quick online workouts. I won't decide to change my reps or quit early if I am simply following along in a pre-made workout.

Here are a few links to my current go-tos when I have little to no time and just need an exercise-fix:


How to Murder You Life

Two book recs in one month? What a lame-ass.

Au contraire, my loves. This is an audiobook recommendation, so there.

I logged over 15 hours in my car in 13 days (my carbon footprint is lessened by my lack of children, promise) and to make myself less suicidal, I have an obsession with podcasts and audiobooks. And this one was incredible.

Cat Marnell reading her own book adds an incredible light spin (she clearly talks with a contest smile, VO actors take notes) to a topic that would seem incredibly dark and depressing: pill addiction. If you haven't caught up yet, she's not the only one, read about my current take here.

It's kinda NYC glam plus RX dirty and makes for a time killing listen. Cautionary but also weirdly fascinating...who knew whole milk would bring you down off PCP?! Highly recommended.


Let me know if you try, read, listen, etc to any of the list! Stay cool! (still no?....ok well I had to try...)

Catch you next month!

Check these out while you're at it...


© 2017 by Sam Valentine LLC

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