Everyone loves the catch phrase "you gotta hustle". People frame Etsy pictures of the word all the time.
But honestly what the fuck does it mean!
Let me be straight with you, I am pretty pissed off at the time of writing this.
If you follow me on Instagram you have already gone through this whole day with me.
I hate complaining. So I am just going to "share with you" my day. Today I worked 5 different jobs all over town (dog walks, babysitting, training, and assisting) and planned my entire day around an audition at 5:30pm about an hour away from all of this. I spent roughly 3.5 hours driving, 8 hours working, and an hour "prepping" (this was a print audition so I basically just had to do full hair and makeup).
To accomplish all of this, I cancelled my workout, a meeting, and a fun taping of a reality tv food show with my best friends (welcome to LA, yes that is a real thing).
When I finally got to said audition...it wasn't there. Legit it actually wasn't at the address listed. A few phone calls later and I was still lost. I finally found some nice UPS workers on a break (hot tip: they know where everything is) who helped me locate the office a few blocks from the listed point on the map. By the time this happened is was 20 minutes too late and the office was closed.
But ya know what?
I think this is the hustle.
And not just the running around town part. Because if you live in LA you do that no matter what.
And not just auditioning because those are often few and far between.
I think "The Hustle" is dealing with all of this at one time, and not letting it break you! The general SHIT. The driving across town for nothing, the multiple jobs that barely make the rent, the assistants on the phones who are no help because they too just want to go home, the holding-in of frustrated tears until you are in the privacy of your car, the coming home after working all day long and having to walk your own dogs and clean up the mess you made getting ready for the audition you never made it to, the taking of time to make something healthy to eat (when all you really want is a bottle of wine and to-go food) because your body is your business and you have to be camera ready 24/7, and the next day, the getting up and getting the fuck over it.
That is the hustle.
And we can do this.
We just have to acknowledge that it's tough. But it is not, I repeat, not impossible.

One of the hardest parts of this job and this town is the alone feeling. So feel free to share your "shitty hustle" day with us below. God knows I could use it!