Maybe if we had parking we would actually be on time for auditions and then you would not have to worry about having 19 parking spots for actors because we could all come in on our given time slots.
Just an idea.
Listen I get it. There is not enough room for most of the production people at casting offices, let alone us actors. LA isn't big enough for all of us.
I am always secretly jealous of the people I see getting dropped off by boyfriends or parents so they can audition and don't have to worry about putting their car somewhere for some unknown period of time.
Will it be 5 minutes? Or 55 minutes? What a fun game!
So if you haven't already seen it, let me show you a handy guide (that I did not create) to parking around casting places. This is especially helpful if you are new to LA and still struggle reading the 5 stacked signs under the spray paint some asshole added just to spice things up (honestly fuck you if you are graffitiing over a costly detail what in god's name is wrong with you this city is hard enough go paint a penis on a billboard or something).
Oh the site, right, here ya go: