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The Baby Gap

This is not an article about the moderately priced plain t-shirt store if thats what you're looking for.

This is about the generational baby-having gap and how I want other female actors (and women in general) in this same (fit for one) boat to feel less alone.

So if you wanted flat-front khakis, this is not for you.


I spent the past weekend with my parents and the subject of babies came up. Past the age of 25 (21 in the midwest) people want to know when you're procreating.

And the older I get, the less annoyed I get with this. People love babies. And celebrations. And the possibility of "having it all".

My mom casually mentioned grandchildren. This was in no way really directed at me, there are 3 of us after all, all healthy and happy and one day capable of bringing forth child(s).

But it got me thinking.

At my current age, my mother had already been married for 2 years and had a baby.


Nope. I cannot. But that is the life I have chosen for now. I know very few actors in my current age category who have kids. Now before you get indignantly on a baby diaper soap box just keep reading this.

I am at the age where a lot my friends are starting to have babies. And almost all of them are women who are not actors.

Now, I know some BAD ASS actor moms. Like they could kick your ass while breast feeding and then pose for Vogue immediately after. But I am not one of them.


They say millennials are not having babies on the whole. That we are choosing careers. And dogs. Which I find hilarious.

Ya know what? I get it. I really do. From a stand point of the world as a whole, the outlook right now...not so great. The physical environment, the social environment, the impending doom of humanity, etc, etc.

But for myself at the moment, this career takes a LOT of my mental energy. Just bolstering myself up after never hearing back from a few auditions is enough to make some people fall into a (albeit shallow) depression.

I do not have the bandwidth to be in charge of someone else's livelihood...and do either one justice.

So I guess what I am trying to say here is to my fellow ladies (and hey, dudes too) who are currently of child bearing age but NOT of child bearing're not alone. And you're not wrong. Or lazy. Or any less important.

And to my moms out there (and yes dads too) we have so much respect for you! You make me think of an incredible chef at a fast paced 5 star restaurant...I respect and admire you and your energy and drive, but I don't think I could handle the heat.

At least not yet.


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