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From the Rookie Archives: A Tale of Two Audition Locations.

Let's take it back.

Wayyyyy back. To before everyone had a iPhone.

RELAX, this wasn't THAT long ago you guys.

What does this mean for us?

Raw memories not screened through the filter of 6 years of time passing.

Good or bad, this is one of the first posts I made back in 2012, fresh off the boat [plane]. It rings with the sound of shiny new-ness, and I kinda miss this girl sometimes.

I do not miss using a GPS however (nope, not an iPhone...a real mounted-in-the-windshield TomTom GPS). We've all come so far. The collective "we".



Up at 5:45am and going to work 7am-3pm isn’t that bad really. Really.

However when if follows a 3 day stint of less than 5 hours of sleep a night and working 18 hour days, it becomes exceptionally harder.

So this particular Wednesday I had a long early morning of work followed by 30 minutes in which to get to my 2nd job, change, and clock-in. Now this is of course never as easy as it should be, seeing as the morning girl called out so there was 3x as much work to do.

Then as soon as my co-worker clocked in, I had to go on my break, which today consisted of running across town for a super fast audition, and running back. Ironically, this “running” theme will come into play later.

So as I change clothes for the 3rd time that day, I double check my audition notice that lists what to wear, where to be, etc. I am not willing to state flat-out what LARGE SHOE COMPANY this commercial audition was for, but it’s a LARGE SHOE COMPANY…that you know…you probably wore… I am perfectly on point with my “high school football captain’s girlfriend” outfit of jeans, boots, and a cute top, hair down, make up done (which I had to keep looking good after 9 hours of work) and even manage to find a parking meter with an hours worth of time still left in it.

Damn, I am good.

So I get to the casting office on time and low and behold, walk into a room of Asians. McDonalds had apparently rented the entire office for the day and was casting ONLY for it’s Asian market.

Hmm…small white girl walks in door. “one of these things is not like the other…” This is probably not the shoe company audition I have arrived for.

Then, tacked on the exit door is a sign that someone’s 7 year old nephew must have written, stating “_____ Audition is now being held at 7600 Beverly.” I am 3 miles from this location.

Oh hey, it’s 5pm. It’s at least a 20 minute drive (the actual length of this “break” which I am currently on from work).


So a phone call or two later from/to my agent and no one knows anything about this move. So whatever, just me I guess (me and someone’s 7 year old nephew…). And when I finally get to this brand new address, the office I am looking for is, in fact, a gym.

A high school gym.

And everyone is in tennis shoes. And running clothes. And cute pony-tails. And are taking turns running sprints in front of the camera.

Running everywhere.

So now, with about 12 hours of sleep in 3 days (while moving apartments…did I mention this sleep happened on a futon? Should we consider it sleep at all?) and having been turned around seven ways to Sunday…I am angry. And frustrated. And tired+frustration for me, means tears. Vast amounts and usually sobbing. It helps. Really.

So all I want to do (ESPECIALLY after speaking with the completely not helpful, “I mean, its just running, you can take your shoes off, I do not know how else to explain it to do SWEETHEART” assistant signing everyone in) is cry. Except now, with makeup done, and a smidge of dignity left on the bottom of my NON-running boots, I cannot cry. Because then my eyes swell, and my makeup runs, and I’m not pretty.

And no one wants to hire a hot mess. Even in cute boots.

So I suck it up and run sprints (after waiting 45 minutes...I have now cut my work shift in half) and smile to the camera.

The camera man even asked for my card afterwards to talk about his own projects. Ha. AND the assistant apologized for being so blunt, after someone gave her coffee.

I understand.

This is the outfit I wish I would have been wearing...


Boy someone sure was cranky huh! I actually learned a lot from this series of unfortunate events...including what to keep in my car at all times!

Don't worry, that post is up next.

Check these out while you're at it...


© 2017 by Sam Valentine LLC

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